In this big data time, high performance distributed systems are required to process the large volumn of data. However, it is not easy to organize plenty of nodes. One of the significant problems is distributed consensus, which means every node in the cluster will eventually reach a consensus without any conflict.
Raft is a distributed consensus algorithm which has been proved workable. This expriment mainly focus on designing and implementing leader election described in rart algorithm.
Distributed Consensus, Leader Election, Log Replication
Before Raft, (multi-)Paxos has been treated as an industry standard for a long time. However, even with the help of Paxos, we still find it hard to build up a reliable distributed system.
Just as the comment from Chubby implementers:
There are significant gaps between the description of the Paxos algorithm and the needs of a real-world system…. the final system will be based on an unproven protocol.
Paxos is rather difficult to implement mainly because it is not easy to understand for those who are not mathematicians.
Then Raft came out, which has a good understandability. Compared with Paxos, there are smaller state space achieved by reducing states. Also, Raft decomposes the problem into leader election, log replication, safety and membership changes, instead of treating them as a total of mess.
To further understand distributed consensus, this expriment tries to implement the first section leader election in Raft and leave the rest parts in the following expriments.
Design & Implementation
The language we use in this expriment is Go 1.9.
There are some states such as current term, logs, role of node that have to be stored and shared across the threads, so we design a structure called Raft. Among the variables, currentTerm, votedFor and logs are required to be persisted while the rest are volatile.
1 | type Raft struct { |
Initialization & main loop
When a node starts up, it firstly initializes the Raft object, generates election timeout and heart beat timeout randomlly. Then, it reads persisted data which are stored before last crash. After initailazation, it comes to the infinite main loop. In the main loop, the node sleeps for a certain time, when it wakes up, it checks whether he is the leader or the leader has connected with him not long ago (within heartBeatTimeout). If not, it increases the currentTerm and starts a new election in another new thread.
There are two things to mention. The first is random electionTimeout. Same electionTimeout may cause infinite elections if each node starts up at nearly the same time. Different timeout can help reduce the conflicts. To further reduce the conflicts, the node will re-generate electionTimeout randomlly before an election for some nodes may have same electionTimeout and may cause infinite elections especially in small clusters. The other is fake sleep. There is no easy approaches to extend the sleep time when the thread is in sleep. So the node will wake up earlier than expected. To emulate the delay, when the node wakes up, we will compare the time last heart beat arrived with current time, if the duration is smaller than electionTimeout, we make the node resume sleeping for the duration.
1 | /* initialization */ |
In the election, a node will exchange messages with other nodes. Two typical are request and response message of vote request. The term will keep until the leader crashed and another election are be made.
1 | type RequestVoteArgs struct { |
1 | type RequestVoteReply struct { |
The election performs as follows. The node who wants to be the leader firstly switch to candidate state and send a RequestVote call to other nodes, attaching the term and logd infomation. The called node will compare the Term with its currentTerm, it Term is smaller, it simply refuse the request. Otherwise, the node will check whether if the logs of candidate is at least up to date with its logs. If all pass, it grants the request and switch to follower state and set votedFor to candidateId. Whatever the result is, if higher Term detected, the node will update currentTerm to Term and switch to follower state. In this expriment, there will be no logs appended, so the log checks is skipped.
When a majority of nodes agree the request, it switches to leader state and starts to send heart beat message to each node periodically until it is no longer a leader. If the heart beat reply or vote request reply reports a higher term, it will switch to follower state whatever the state is.
1 | func (rf *Raft) doVote() { |
1 | func (rf *Raft) sendRequestVote(server int, args RequestVoteArgs, reply *RequestVoteReply) bool { |
1 | func (rf *Raft) RequestVote(args RequestVoteArgs, reply *RequestVoteReply) { |
Heart beat
The heart beat message can be empty, but for conpatible with following expriments, we set several variables in the request and response messages. As mentioned above, the the reply message reports a higher Term, the leader will immediatelly stop the heart beat and switch to follower state. When a node receives a heart beat message, it will update lastHeart to time.Now() to delay wake up.
1 | type AppendEntriesArgs struct { |
1 | type AppendEntriesReply struct { |
1 | func (rf *Raft) AppendEntries(args AppendEntriesArgs, reply *AppendEntriesReply) { |
1 | func (rf *Raft) sendAppendEntries(server int, args AppendEntriesArgs, reply *AppendEntriesReply) bool { |
1 | func (rf *Raft) doSubmit() { |
During the implemention, we found some inadequates in Raft, one of them is the strategy of processing vote request. It says if a node meets a higher term, it will switch to follower state. Assume a cluster with three nodes A, B and C. A is the leader in term 1, and shortly B encounters a network failure whose duration is longer than electionTimeout, thus B will start a new term and request for votes. When the network resumes, A and C will detect a higher term from B’s request and according the Raft algorithm they will stop this term and make a new election. However, the cluster works well and a new election is unnecessary. This means in a large cluster, even if only a single node restarts, the whole cluster has to be re-built. This will reduce the performance of the cluster to a large extent especially when the cluster is large.
Raft uses this strategy to make sure that leader can switch to follower state. But we can add another logic to realize that by counting followers. If a leader finds not a majority of nodes replies the heart beat message and it lasts longer than electionTimeout, it then switches to follower state and starts a new election.
There two test cases TestInitialElection and TestReElection are designed to test the correctness of the system. Run the tests many times and the result shows our system passes all the test cases successfully.
This expriment mainly focus on implementing the leader election part of Raft algorithm. The result shows that the cluster quickly generates a leader and remains the normal state until a failure, and after the failure the cluster can re-generate a new leader in a short time. This expriment proves the reliablity of Raft algorithm in another way.
* The full and up-to-date code is hosted at https://github.com/newnius/code2go/tree/master/src/raft
[1] Ongaro D, Ousterhout J K. In search of an understandable consensus algorithm[C]//USENIX Annual Technical Conference. 2014: 305-319.
[2] Raft
[3] Go by Example: Atomic Counters
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