- KEYS pattern
- EXISTS key
- DEL key
- TYPE key
- ?
- []
- \x
- SET key value
- GET key
- MSET key1 value1 key2 value2 …
- MGET key1 key2 …
- INCR key
- INCRBY key increment
- DECR key
- DECRBY key increment
- INCRBYFLOAT key increment
- APPEND key value
- SRELEN key
- GETBIT key offset
- SETBIT key offset value
- BITCOUNT key [start end]
- BITOP operation destkey key1 [key2 …]
- HSET key field value
- HGET key field
- HMSET key field1 value1 [field2 value2 …]
- HMGET key field1 [field2…]
- HEXISTS key field
- HSETNX key field value (set if field not exists)
- HINCRBY key field increment
- HDEL key field [field…]
- HKEYS key
- HVALS key
- HLEN key (count of fields)
- LPUSH key value [value…]
- RPUSH key value [value…]
- LPOP key
- RPOP key
- LLEN key
- LRANGE key start end (-n means the n-th number from right)
- LREM key count value (remove the first [count] elements from the left who’s value is [value])
- LINDEX key index
- LSET key index value
- LTRIM key start end (remove all other elements out of list[start:end])
- LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER value1 value2 (insert value2 before/after value1)
- RPOPLPUSH srckey dstkey (RPOP + LPUSH , 1 element each time)
- SADD key member [member…]
- SREM key member [member…]
- SISMEMBER key member
- SDIFF key1 [key2 …] (belong to key1 but not belong to key2, and …)
- SINTER key [key…] (belong to key1 and key2 and …)
- SUNION key [key…] (belong to key1 or key2 or …)
- SCARD key (count elements of set)
- SDIFFSTORE dstkey key1 [key2…] (do operations and store results to dstkey)
- SINTERSTORE dstkey key1 [key2…]
- SUNIONSTORE dstkey key1 [key2…]
- SRANDMEMBER key [count] (get random member(s) in set, unique) (note: this is not absolutely random. redis use hashtable to store set. it take 2 steps to get a random member, firstly, choose a bucket randomly, and then choose one element in that bucket randomly. this means those elements in buckets that has less elements will have more opportunity to by choosen)
- SPOP key ( = SRANDMEMBER key 1)
sorted set (from small score to large)
- ZADD key score member [score member …]
- ZSCORE key member
- ZRANGE key start end (s[start:end])
- ZREVRANGE key start end (reverse of s[start:end])
- ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] (get elements whose score>=min && score<=max)
- ZINCRBY key increment member (increse score of member by increment)
- ZCARD key (get count of members)
- ZCOUNT key min max (count members whose score>=min and <=max)
- ZREM key member [member…]
- ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start end
- ZRANK key member (get rank of member, start from 0, smallest is 0)
- ZREVRANK key menber (get rank of member, start from 0, largest is 0)
- ZINTERSTORE dstkey countOfKeys key1 [key2…] [WEIGHTS weight1 [weight2…]] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX] (get members which belong to key1,key2,… and store into dstkey) (WEIGHTS: set weight of each set) (AGGREGATE: determine how to handle scores of dstkey, default is to summarize each socre)
store methods
type | encoding method | OBJECT ENCODING result |
string | REDIS_ENCODING_RAW | "raw" |
hash | REDIS_ENCODING_HT | "hashtable" |
list | REDIS_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST | "linkedlist" |
set | REDIS_ENCODING_HT | "hashtable" |
sorted list | REDIS_ENCODING_SKIPLIST | "skiplist" |