MULTI … EXEC (Notice: 2 methods to handle exceptions) (1. wrong command: return wrong directly after exec) (2. wrong syntax: execute each command)
WATCH key [key…] (watch key(s), if these keys has been modified before transaction, abort this transaction. watch will be canceled after EXEC) (Notice: if a key is removed because of EXPIRE, watch wouldn’t regard it changed)
EXPIRE key time (remove this key after time second(s))
TTL key (see how long will key be alive)
PERSIST key (cancel EXPIRE, GET or GETSET can also do this)
sort (result is list, n+m*log(m))
SORT key [ALPHA] [DESC] [LIMIT offset count] (sort set, sorted set, list by asc, if ALPHA is set, sort by directory in asc order)
SORT key1 BY key2:*->field (sort key by fields in key2)
SORT key1 BY key2:*->field GET key2:*->field [GET key3:*->field …] (sort and get field)
SORT key1 BY key2:*->field GET # (sort and get * itself)
SORT key STORE key2 (sort and store to key2)
message queue
BRPOP key timeout (block and RPOP, timeout is timeout, 0 for nil)
BRPOP queue1 [queue …] (RPOP from queue1 to nil, and then RPOP queue2, …)
PUBLISH channel message
SUBCRIBE channel [channel…]
PSUBCRIBE pattern (SUBCRIBE channel1.*) (Notice: as patterns can be various for one channel, a channel can be subscribed more than once)
UNSUBSCRIBE [channel …] (default is all)
PUNSUBSCRBE pattern1 [pattern2…] (can only cancel PSUBCRIBE pattern1) (Notice: SUBSCRIBE and PSUBCRIBE is handled differently, thus the subscribed channels has no relationship)